I’m thinking of building a PC myself. Should I?

PC building is a hobby and passion for many people, if you fancy learning it, then we say go for it, there is nothing more fun than getting all the components specced up and assembling it yourself. Be ready for some troubleshooting and conflicts. Your system will turn on the first time if all has gone well but you will only be able to turn to Google for advice. If you are not 100% on building a PC yourself then a great option is to get a custom PC built for you by PROTECH PCs, our team will help you spec the PC and our engineers will build and test the system. In the future you can upgrade the PC without affecting your warranty and this is where you can get your hands dirty and have a go yourself. Give us a shout before upgrading and we can advise any potential issues.

ProTech PCs → VORTEX As part of our growth, we’ve rebranded. We were previously known as ProTech PCs and we’re excited to continue providing exceptional service and value under our new name!
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